Morning Announcements for April 15, 2024
Posted on 04/15/2024

She’s not boring, like other nannies, she’s Mary Poppins, and she is coming to OSS on April 23, 24, 25, and 27, with the school buy-in happening in periods 4 and 5 on the 25th! Come see OSS's theatre production students perform Mary Poppins and join this fun cast of characters as they walk through magical parks, fly kites, and get into many other wacky hijinks! Student buy-in tickets are just $10 and are on sale at lunch in the Hawk Shop – cash or debit. We hope to see you there!

Mino Ghizheb OSS, this week on Wednesday ,  Mohawk Knowledge Keeper, Dan Doctor will be  sharing Wampum teachings in the OSS Library from 9:30am to 10:30am.   All students and staff are welcome.   Students wishing to attend this event, there will also be a sign up sheet in the Andaayang and the main office.

HUGS is meeting today at lunch in room 332.  HUGS is a group dedicated to providing a safe and inclusive space for LGBTQ+ students and allies. All are welcome.  Looking forward to seeing you today at lunch in room 332.

Attention Grade 10 and 11 Leaders!

The Application is now available for next year's Link Crew!

Link Crew is a leadership program that supports our incoming Grade 9s. In order to be part of the 2024-25 Link Crew you need to currently be in Grade 10 or 11, submit an application, ensure you have 2 references from teachers and a short interview may be held.

Please find the QR code for the applications posted on the bulletin board in the front foyer.

If you have any questions please see Ms. Bolger or Ms. Hartley.


 The Ultimate Frisbee Team Final Tryout Invite has been posted on the gym doors. Tryout is on Tuesday at 2:30 on the field or if weather bad 3:30/4 in the gym. First practice Thursday 2:30 on the field. Any questions see Mr Norman, Mr Mclean or Ms Chambers.

Model UN will have their final meeting today before next week's competition. See everybody there.

For all girls trying out for slo pitch - small groups are posted outside of room 346 - tryouts will resume tomorrow at York St. Park for group A only. Group B & C are scheduled for Wed/Thurs weather permitting. 

There will be an important track and field meeting today at lunch in room 337