Morning Announcements for March 19, 2024
Posted on 03/19/2024

Welcome back from March Break and to the final push to your Graduating year!

 The Guidance Office continues to receive many scholarship and bursary opportunities that can ultimately help you with your post-secondary pathways.

The latest scholarship to come in is the SKID WATSON YMCA Scholarship. Information on this local scholarship is in the Guidance Office.  Also, the deadline for the Orillia Women's Business Association's "Junior Women of the Year" award is due this Friday in the Guidance Office.   

 Lastly. be sure to get all of your 40 Community Service Hours into Kim in the Guidance Office, and also to OPT-OUT of the mandatory eLearning graduation requirement.  Forms for both of these can be picked-up in the Guidnace Office.

 Dance team meets Wednesdays and Fridays at lunch from now until competitions. See you there!!

For those interested in trying out for coed volleyball please attend an information meeting and sign-up this Thursday in room 313.

Just a reminder that all track and field athletes are to meet in the gym after school for practice.  We are still welcoming new members.  See Mrs Young in 337 if you are interested

Attention all baseball players!! 

Spring training is almost under way. If you are interested in trying out for the baseball team, please indicate your interest by signing the sheet outside the gym office. Tryouts will begin next week, but we need to know who you are. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Burke, Mr. Elliott or Mr. Young. Go Hawks!


Aaniin Boozhoo OSS,  female identifying or gender diverse students interested in learning traditional hand drum teachings and hand drumming ?  This Thursday March 21st, special guests from Rama First Nation will be at the school providing hand drum teachings and hand drumming in the Andaayang during the lunch hour.

Attention Grade 12 French students who are challenging the DELF.  Due to popular demand, Lunch DELF Help has been changed to Tuesdays, starting today!  Come over to room 326 at the beginning of lunch today to get French help for the DELF.